Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Ndinokuchingamidzai kuVolume 10, Issue 10 yebepanhau rino reMICA Bulletin. Zvakare ndinokuchingamidzai mugore rino raShe wedu ra2010.
Tinotenda Mwari, zvakare vatipa umwe mukana wekuti tiwedzere kubata kwedu. Nguva ino takatarisana nemusangano wedu wekutanga wegore, uyo uchange uchiitirwa kunzvimbo yeMurowa, kubvira musi wa 2 kusvika musi wa 4 April. Takava nemusangano wakanaka, wevechidiki vedu, mumwedzi waZvita gore rakapera. Senguva iri kuenda, tinokurudzira vatendi vose kuti vachitangisa kubhadhara mari dzinodikanwa dzemusangano; conference fee. Mari ye-conference fee i 2 USD.
Ndinovimba kuti vakanga vari pamusangano wevechidiki makanzwa pamwe nekuona motikari yakatengwa naBaba vaStamba. Kufambira mabhuranji ose ndicho chimwe chezvinangwa zvedu zvegore rino ra2010. Ndinoda kuteuchidzavo vatendi vose nezvemari yehomwe yekutenga motikari yechechi. Mari iyi inoita 10 USD. Vatendi vose vanokurudzirwa kubhadhara mari iyi.
Dare guru rinofadzwa nemichati iri kuwanda mukereke. Izvi zvinoratidza kuti vechidiki vari kutora dzidziso dzatiri kuvapa. Zvakare takatarisana neumwe muchato, musi wa 22 May, waSister Tsungai Machadu. Tinongokurudzira vechidiki vose kuti vatorevo gwara rakanaka iri.
Muchikamu chino tinokupai nhau dzakasiyana siyana maererano nekereke. Ndinokushuwirai kuverenga kwakanaka.
Wenyu Munyori
Pastor S Muoneka


Bhaibheri riri kuverengwa nevaKristu vazhinji nhasi uno rine mabhuku makumi matanhatu nematanhatu. Testamente Yakare ine mabhuku makumi matatu nemapfumbamwe, uye Testamente Itsva ine mabhuku makumi maviri maviri nemanomwe.
Chii chinombonzi Bhaibheri? Bhaibheri mubatanidzwa wemabhuku, akanyorwa nevanhu vakasiyana siyana, vachifuridzirwa naMwari (2 TImotio 3:16-17), uye mabhuku aya anogamuchirwa nekereke seShoko raMwari. Sezvo Bhaibheri rakafuridzirwa naMwari, zvinoreva kuti ivo ndivo munyori waro, uye hakuna rimwezve bhuku rakafanana naro, nokuti hakuna rimwe bhuku pasi pano rakanyorwa naMwaru kunze kweBhaibheri chete. Bhaibheri ritori raibhurari pachayo, nokuri mariri mune mabhuku akawanda, anokwana makumi matanhatu nematanhatu.
Wati wambozvibvunzavo here kuti Bhaibheri rakazovapo sei, uye kuti rakawanikwa kupi? Iyi mibvunzo inofanira kupisha mupfungwa dzavatendi. Sebepanhau renyu rine chinangwa chekudzidzisa vatendi, tichakupai hombowo hwese pamusoro peBhaibheri. Bhaibheri rakawanikwa kunyika yeEgypt, iyo iri muno muAfrica. Saka vaya vanoti Bhaibheri rakauya nevarungu, kana kuti chiKristu chakauya nengarava, Havana ruzivo nezvenhoroondo yeBhaibheri.
Bhaibheri rakawanikwa panzvimbo inonzi Alexandrea Area, iyo iri kuEgypt. Bhaibheri rakanga riri mumahwendefa akasiyana siyana, anonzi muChirungu ma-scrolls. Mahwendefa aya akanga akanyorwa nemitauro mitatu. Mamwe acho akanga akanyorwa nemutauro wechiAramaic, mamwe akanyorwa muchiHeberu, uye mamwe akanga akanyorwa nemutauro wechiGiriki.
Sezvo mazuva iwawo hutongi hwechiGiriki hwakanga hwakakurumbira, nyanzvi dzemitauro dzinokwana makumi manomwe, dzakagara pasi dzikashandura mabhuku/mahwendefa akanga akanyorwa nemutauro wechiHeberu newechiAramaic dzichimaisa mumutauro wechiGiriki. Uku ndiko kwakava kutanga kwekushandurirwa kweBhaibheri mumitauro yakasiyana siyana.
Bhaibheri rokutanga kushandurirwa mumutauro weChirungu rinonzi King James Version. Bhaibheri iri rakashandurwa mugore ra1611AD. Mambo James, uyo akanga achitonga panguva iyoyo, akatsvaka kuda kuziva pamwe nokunzwisisa kuti icho chinombonzi Bhaibheri chii. Naizvozvo, akabva araira kuti Bhaibheri rishandurwe, kubva mururimi rwechiGiriki, kuenda muChirungu, kuti naiye akwanise kuriverenga.
Muno muZimbabwe, Bhaibheri rakatanga kushandurwa kubva mururimi rweChirungu kuenda muchiShona. Izvi zvakaitwa mugore ra1951. Izvi zvakakwanisika nerubatsiro rwemamishonari pamwe nesangano reRoman Catholic. Mamwe maBhaibheri mumitauro yakaita seNdebele akazouyavo nekufamba kwenguva. Panguva yakashandurwa Bhaibheri mururimi rweShona, mugore ra1951, pakanga pasati pava nemanzwi mazhinji erurimi rweShona. Izvi zvakasakisa kuti mamwe manzwi akan ga ari muBhaibheri reShona rekutanga iri asagamuchirwa nemakereke mazhinji. Aya manzwi akaita sokuti “mudzimu” uye kuti “bira”. Naizvozvo, Bhaibheri rakaramba richidzokororwa, kuti riiswe mamwe manzwi akafanira akanga achimuka, nokuramba kuchinandudzwa kwayiita mutauro weShona. Nhasi uno tine Bhaibheri reShona richangobva mukuburwa, rinonzi Bhaibheri Dzvene muchiShona Chanhasi.
VaKristu vanofanira kunzwisisa kuti chinhu chakakosha kuti Bhaibheri reShona rirambe richivandudzwa manzwi aro, kana pachinge pamuka mamwe manzwi akanyanyofanira. Semuenzaniso, kuti munatsoona kukosha kwazvo, ngatitarisei mashandurirwe akaitwa mamwe manzwi emuTestamente Yakare. Tikaverenga nezvetabenakere yemuTestamente Yakare, tinonzwa kuti zambara retabenakere rakanga rakagadzirwa ne (muChirungu)- blue, purple and scarlet thread. MuBhaibheri reShona (ra1951) ruvara rwekuti “blue thread” rwakashandurwa rwuchinzi “zvakarurwa zvitema.” Asivo, ruvara rwe”blue” harwungashandurwi rwuchinzi “rwutema”. Naizvozvo, izvi zvinogona kuzorasa dudziro inenge ichida kuburitswa nerugwaro. Nokudaro, zvakakosha kuti manzwi akafanira arambe achitsvagwa, kuti ape dudziro yakakwana kumagwaro.
Mukubatanidzwa kwakaitwa mabhuku eBhaibheri, kubva pamahwendefa, kwakasakisavo kuti madzibaba echiKristu enguva iyoyo asava nekuwirirana pamusaka pemamwe mabhuku akanga ashandurwa. Izvi zvakamutsa pfungwa yokuti Bhaibheri rine mamwe mabhuku akawedzerwa adomwe kunzi Apokirifa. Apokirifa rine mamwe mabhuku anosanganisira Sara, Tobiti nemamwevo. Zvisinei, Bhaibheri ratinoshandisa mukereke med urine mabhuku anokwana makumi matanhatu nematanhatu, zvichireva kuti harina Apokirifa.
Wakambozvibvunzavo here kuti Bhaibheri ringatora nguva yakareba zvakadii richishandurwa kubva mune umwe mutauro, kuenda kune mumwe mutauro! Mwedzi umwechete here? Gore rimwechete here? VeBible Society of Zimbabwe vanoti ivo Bhaibheri rinotora makore anokwana gumi, kuti rishandurwe kubva mune mumwe mutauro, kuenda mune umwe mutauro. Asivo, Bhaibheri richangobva mukushandurirwa mune mumwe mutauro wekunyika yeKenya rakati kurumidzei. Takatora makore anokwana matanhatu. MuZimbabwe, tichiri neimwe mitauro isati yava neBhaibheri mururimi rwayo. Ngatinyengeterei kuti mitauro yose ikwanise kuva neBhaibheri mndimi dzayo, kuti Shoko raMwari risvike kumarudzi ose.


A 24-hour prayer network has been launched, under the banner of MICA INTERCESSORS NETWORK. No longer shall you wait to receive anointing from the powerful men of God at conferences only. Under this network, all your pastors can pray for your prayer requests anytime you happen to have one. The Bible says, “Pray for one another” (James 5:16a). The church wants to pray for all its members who have problems, wherever they are, and it does not matter what time of the day it is. The prayer network shall operate through the use of cell phone technology. Those with prayer requests will send them to the church’s prayer team, who will pray for those requests. Prayer requests can be sent by means of text messages. If you want to listen to the pastor praying for your prayer request, you can call him, after you have texted him a message with the prayer request. The prayer team consists of righteous men of God. The Bible says, “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective” (James 5:16b). Members of the church might fall sick, wherever they may be, and they might have nobody to pray for them. Now this challenge has been overcame, and the church is saying, “Is any among you sick? Let him CALL for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, and the prayer of faith will save the sick man , and the Lord will raise him up” (James 5:14-15). Fellow brethren, your deliverance is just a phone call away. At the click of a button, righteous men and women of God will make powerful and effective prayers for you. We are still compiling the list of members who constitute the prayer team of MICA INTERCESSORS NETWORK. So far, the list of the prayer team members consists of the following:
Pastor Mhaka, Harare – 0913141371
Pastor Muoneka, Chiredzi – 0912291391
Pastor Machadu, Zaka - 0913158423
Pastor Mvuto, Zvishavane – 011506946
Pastor Shamba, Masvingo – 039252913
Pastor Stamba (jnr), HQ – 011532224
Amai Muoneka - 0913551174
Pastor Tota, Masvingo – 0913635916
Evangelist Chipare, Chiredzi – 0912851120
Pastor Aboadwe, Ghana – 00233246486444
Deacon Nab, South Africa – 0027760366237
Pastor Stanners, United Kingdom – 00447528357334
Pastor Bhutan, Asia - +97517612213
The full list shall consist of pastors, evangelists and deacons of the church. We are in the process of compiling their contact details, and we will have the full list in our next issue. In the meantime, contact your pastors, with details given above, and get help. –Special Events Correspondent-


In a new development that is envisaged to set MICA for a major uplift, MICA Bulletin is going to publish a weekly electronic newsletter, called MICA BULLETIN EXPRESS™. The electronic newsletter is going to have a different content from the contents of MICA Bulletin. However, this will not affect the current editorial policy, and print run of MICA Bulletin, which is available every month as a hard copy. MICA BULLETIN EXPRESS is going to publish sermons from various MICA pastors, evangelists and deacons only. These articles (sermons) can not be published in MICA BULLETIN because of issues around pagination. Sermons need more space, and therefore they are costly to publish as hard copy, as they create more pages. This means more bond paper, more colour cartridges, more resources, which all have a bearing on the costs of production. The other reason for launcing MICA BULLETIN EXPRESS is to give MICA preachers an international platform for their sermons to be heard worldwide. For those who are interested in receiving the electronic newsletter, MICA BULLETIN EXPRESS, must send their email addresses to us, at: MICA BULLETIN EXPRESS, 3630 Tynwald North, P.O.Westgate, Harare, or email: , or text 0914163963


Hello Editor. I am a member of the church. In fact i was born of parents who were members of this church. I grew up in the church, and i think i quite understand the principles of the church. I would like to know how i can partner with you, in any of your departments!
Thank you Charity for your email. We have been looking for partners from every branch, to provide us with news, photos, and to write articles for MICA Bulletin. If you want to partner with us, you must submit an application letter to the following address: The Editor, MICA Bulletin, 3630 Tynwald North, P.O.Westgate, Harare, or email: clemtrevor@yahoo.com You must also include a supporting letter from your branch leader.
Hello Ed. I am one of the regular readers of MICA Bulletin. When i am at school, i won’t be able to get a copy of the newsletter. As young members of the church, we have to stay informed about what happening in the church, so that we can be nurtured as perfect leaders of the future. I was wondering if it is possible to get a copy of the insightful MICA Bulletin when i am here at school! I would be glad to hear from you.
It is good to hear from you, the young generation of the church. MICA Bulletin can be sent, absolutely for FREE, to every church member who requests a copy, as long as s/he is in Zimbabwe. To be able to receive every issue of MICA Bulletin, just send your name and address to: MICA Bulletin Subscriptions, 3630 Tynwald North, P.O.Westgate, Harare. Alternatively you can text your address and name to this number: 0914163963, but first write “MICA BULLETIN SUBSCRIPTIONS” before you write your details. If you want to receive MICA Bulletin on email, as an e-Newsletter, send us your email address. We are looking foward to sending you a copy of MICA Bulletin

Ini ndiri mutendi weMICA. Parizvino ndiri kugara kuno kuGweru uko kwandakatamira mwedzi wapera. Ndiri umwe wevechidiki uye ndinofariravo kuenda kumisangano yese. Ndine zvandinodavo kutaura pamusoro pezvirongwa zvevechidiki pamisangano. Saka ndingafara kana tsamba yangu ikava nokudhindwa mubepanhau rino, kuitiravo vamwe vangagona kuva vachitsvaka mhinduro dzimwechete nenivo. Chokutanga ndinoda kutaura pamusoro pemakwikwi emakwaya pamisangano. Ndinokumbiravo kuti pange paine majaji anopfuura umwechete, kuitira kuti basa racho riitike nenzira yakajeka. Chechipiri, ndinoda kukumbiravo kuti pamisangano yega yega pawanikwe zvidzidzo zvevechidiki maererano nenyaya dzakasiyana siyana. Tinodavo kunzwavo zvizhinji pamusoro pedanho rekereke panyaya dzakanangana nedenda remukondombera weHIV/AIDS, nzira yewanano yakanaka, mitemo yekereke, nedzimwe dzidziso dzakakosha. Isu vechidiki ndisu vatungamiri vamangwana, naizvozvo tinokumbiravo kuti komiti yedu yevechidiki itarise nyaya idzi.
Ndinotenda, Anonymous, netsamba yako. Bepanhau rino nderekuburitsavo pfungwa dzevatendi, maererano nokuti kereke iende mberi. Nokudaro takatumira tsamba yako kumunyori wepiri wekanzuru yevechidiki munyika mose (National Youth Executive Council), uyo akapindura tsamba yako achiti:
Ndinofara kunzwa kwauri. Nyangwe zvako usina kunyora zita rako, mashoko awakataura akakosha kwazvo, uye takamatora nemoyo wose. Zvimwe zvawataura zvitori muhurongwa hwedu hwatakatarisira kuparura pamisangano inouya. Zvakakosha kuti pave nemajaji anokwana matatu, kana ari mashoma, kuti pave nemuono wakajeka sezvawareva. Naizvozvo tichaedza nepatinogona kuti tigadzirise ipapo, kuti makwikwi edu ekuimba arambe achivandudzika. Panyaya yedanho rekereke maererano nedenda reHIV/AIDS, uyo ndeumwe musoro wakakosha, uye inyaya yatakanga takadomavo nechekare muhurukuro yedu yatakaita sekomiti (Strategic Planning Workshop). Zvakakosha kuti vechidiki muzive kuti kereke yenyu inoti kudini maererano nokurwisa denda iri, nokuti panogonavo kunge paine dzimwe nhengo dzine denda iri. Naizvozvo, zvizhinji tichakupai pamusangano wedu wekutanga uchaitirwa kuMurowa, HQ. Asi parizvino, muchidimbu, ndinoti kwauri: Muono wekereke maererano nedenda reHIV/AIDS, kuti idzivirirwe nevechidiki vasati varoora, ndewekutevedza murairo wemuBhaibheri. Murairo uyu ndewekusaita vupombwe. Saka kune vechidiki vose tinoti: ABSTAIN. Panyaya yezvidzidzo, ichokwadi tinoedza chose kuti tiwane zvidzidzo zvevechidiki pamisangano, asi dzimwe nhambo tinogona kuzoshaya nguva yakakwana yokuti izvi zviitwe. Asi tichaedza chose pamisangano inotevera kuti tiwane nguva yezvidzidzo, uye tichikurukuravo nyaya dzawataura, pakati pedzimwevo nyaya dzatinenge takasarudza. Kuitira kuti tikunde dambudziko rekushaya nguva yakakwana yezvidzidzo pamusangano, tichagara takagadzira zvinyorwa zvedzidziso dzedu, izvo zvatichapa kuvatungamiri vose vemakomiti evechidiki kumabhuranji. Vanozovavo nokukurukura dzidziso idzi pamwe nevamwe vechidiki vavo kana vava kumabhuranji avo. Asi izvi zvingazoitwa chete kana tashaisisa nguva yakakwana yekuti tikudzidzisei pamisangano, sekomiti yamakasarudza pachenyu kuti tikumirirei.
Mwari akuropafadze
Tsungai Machadu (Munyori wepiri, National Youth Executive Council)


It has been predicted that there is going to be a draught this year. The rains have not been adequate in most parts of the country and this has adversely impacted on the crop yield. At national level, the country needs about 2 million tonnes of maize every year. Although no survey has been done yet, to ascertain the extent to which this year’s harvest is closer to this figure, it has already been advised that this year’s harvest is not going to be adequate. The country has already been advised to start importing grain from abroad, to the tune of at least 500 000 tonnes.
The Church has also responded to the envisaged draught by setting up a fund which seeks to acquire grain which shall be distributed to those who may be in needy. Those who are willing to donate maize or money are requested to do so through the Executive Council officials. The grain will start to be distributed at the end of the second quarter of the year.
The Church is also considering to engage donors who will assist in the establishment of this important fund. Most people will turn to church for help, in their hour of need; therefore it is important for the church to keep some reserves of food in anticipation of a draught this year


The 2010 calendar has been produced and is now waiting to be distributed at the Easter conference.
The 2010 calendar is an A1 size, and it has the school calendar, the national public holiday calendar, together with the church’s calendar of events and conferences. The calendar was designed and printed in South Africa, at MICA Press.
According to some a member who has been part of this project, 1 000 calendars have been printed, and every member who is going to attend the conference is likely to get a copy of this church publication. The calendar is going to be given for free, as part of the church’s programs to provide its members with useful resources for free. A calendar is very important because it will always guide the members about the forthcoming church events. Members would be able to plan in time, especially knowing what the yearly schedule is going to be like.
The calendar was designed with the church’s colours, which are blue, white and cream. The church’s logo is also on the calendar, together with Pastor Stamba’s picture. The calendar also features one other important thing, which is the theme of the year. Members have to wait and see for themselves.